Monday, 17 November 2014

Our Amazing Animals

Written by Jaimie O’Riley & Sascha Villiers
Photography by Sofia Toro & Jennifer Kefalas

We have got quite a lot of animals in our school. Lots of the other areas have animals, as well as the 3/4 area and also outside.

The first one are the chickens. They are the ones that live outside next to the playground. We feed them our compost but sometimes kids in the school feed them weeds. We haven’t named them yet but maybe we should.

In the 3/4 area there are the bearded dragons (actually they’re just lizards, not dragons!) Their names are Steampunk (the boy) and Naga (the girl). The 3/4 students get to feed them frozen vegetables and crickets. We also have been cleaning their bowls and their tank. Their tank has lots of rocks and logs and red sand, just like their natural habitat. The crickets eat carrots and apples and that makes them fat and juicy for the lizards!

We also have gold fish on our area. There are ten of them. We feed them gold fish flake food obviously! They don’t have any names because there are too many to name.

Finally there are the tropical fish which we have just got. We feed them tropical fish flake food. There are around about sixteen tropical fish. Some are tiger fish with big whiskers, there are two white shark fish and there are lots of colourful ones. One of the fish sucks the glass and the thermometer and keeps them clean.

We think that it is really great to have animals in our classrooms. They are really interesting to look at and they teach us about different types of animals.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

All Together - The Moreland Rock Experience

Written by Rayan & Lola
Photography by Sengul

Moreland Primary School has been holding an end of year school concert starring The Senior School. This is all of the kids in years 3-6. First we had to vote from a selection of songs to perform at the concert. The 3/4s ended up choosing We Are The Champions, Happy, On Top Of The World and Roar.

There were seven class songs and three smaller performances by some of the grade 3\4 girls. We also had a performance by the senior school’s rock band and they played instruments and sang.

We had our first performance on the 11th of November. We have asked students from the 3/4 area about how they were feeling on the night and all of the emotions they were going through. Nini said “I felt really excited but nervous at the same time!” After the performance Asra told us, “I felt good since I thought that we had done well and I am really happy and proud of myself. But at first I was nervous and had so many butterflies in my tummy.”

Deakin said “I wasn’t feeling that confident at the start but after a while I started to feel much better.”
Sascha said, “I felt shy performing in front of parents but was tickled pink after the performance. I was satisfied with my act. I thought myself and the girls did really well singing and dancing to Break Free by Ariana Grande since everyone was ecstatic! My Grandpa said I was a super star which made me happy!”

At the first performance we had a little over 100 people and that was great! It was a great experience for the parents to see their children singing and dancing with their friends. It was lots of fun and was exciting for all of the children!

The last performance is on the 13th of November and we think that we are going to be awesome! We hope that all the parents come and see the act and that they all love it!