Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Being Fit with Footsteps and Cybersafe

Written by Joya & Damon
Photography by Mia, Soliyana & Mutiara

Getting funky at Footsteps
Let's all do the zombie!
On Fridays the Grade 3/4s have been doing Footsteps and have been enjoying dancing. The Grade 3/4s can dance by themselves or with a partner. The types of dancing we can do are hip hop, jazz and others. 

We think it is really good that we do dancing every year. It is like having a sport lesson but by dancing. It is a great way to start the year doing Footsteps. It is really cool and we get different teachers every year which is good. So Footsteps has been really exciting and fun.

Learning about cybersafety
Well, we finally we got our Skooville accounts!  Skooville is a program 
that teaches us how to be safe online. Here we can play games, write a diary and make an avatar. In one of the games you have to get all of the stars that teach you about being cybersafe.

Exploring Scooville
We learnt never to click on spams or scams. Spam is when something will flash up on your screen and it might say you just won 1,000,000 dollars. Scams are when people lie about who they are and they are really trying to get your information from your computer. So we have learnt how to be cybersafe.

Monday, 17 February 2014

The first few weeks…

Written by Arjun & Lola 

Photography by Elijah & Mehul

It’s been a great start to the year. All of the 2s became 3s and all the 3s became 4s. We have also seen the happy smiles on the faces of the 3s when they got their laptops. The grade 4s also seem to be happy that they are now a year older and mentally stronger in the 3/4 area.

Welcome to the 3/4s
In the 3/4 learning area we have some very exciting things going on. But first of all we have some brand new grade 3s that we have spoken to. We spoke to Jaimie who is a new grade three about her and her new laptop. Jaimie feels excited to be a new grade 3 and she likes it because she is with her other friends that were with her two years ago. But she doesn’t like grade 3 because she is still with lots of annoying boys.

She feels excited and happy to have her new laptop. Jaimie has an older sister that has a laptop and she can help her instead of her having to find it out herself or having to ask the teacher. Jaimie’s favourite things to do on her laptop are work and playing cool math games.

New Grade 3s working on their laptops

We have also spoken to Marcus who was a teacher in the 1/2s last year and has just re-joined the 3/4s this year. He said he thinks the area has changed since 2012, the last time he was here. Marcus said he was happy to come up to the 3/4 with the new batch of grade 3s but he will miss the younger kids. He said he was happy to be in a classroom where all the children have their own laptops.

Marcus helping out in the Blue Room

We have also got the bearded dragons, Naga and Steampunk, who are eighteen months old. Simon let all of the 3/4s stroke the lizards in the recording room. He also lets us put some crickets in their tank but we keep on having to find them because they jump away before we get them in!

Hanging out with Naga 

So far this year we’ve been doing history, narratives, place value, spelling, grammar and reading. We have all had rocket writing once a week and the three headings were “I looked up and”, “I looked in the box” and “I found one million dollars.” It was interesting to hear everyone’s stories.

We both think this year is going to be the best year in the 3/4s ever!

Working hard

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Welcome to Term I

Welcome all returning and new students to the 3/4 Learning Area and to our brand new shiny blog! We also have a great wiki which can be found at http://3-4mpswiki2014.wikispaces.com so please take some time to explore both of these sites.

We've got a pretty busy term ahead of us with lots of exciting things happening. Maths and English groups have been finalised and we'll be starting with our groups next week. In science, we'll be looking at the physical sciences and conducting investigations all about pushing and pulling. And in history there will be a big focus on the First Settlers, the initial contact between indigenous Australians and Europeans and what life was like way back then! And we'll also be investigating and exploring lots of different world explorers!

We'll be uploading lots of examples of excellent school work by all of our students throughout the term, so keep an eye out.

Furthermore, each week there will be a new blog entry created by the kids. Different students will be taking on the role of journalists and writing about all of the great things that we're doing in the area, specific topics of interest and some feature articles about special events and excursions. There will also be a couple of photographers posting photos to add some colour to the blog as well. Stay tuned for more...

Finally, if you'd like to receive our regular blog updates directly to your email, please use the subscribe section on the right hand side.

Thanks and here's looking forward to a great start to 2014!