Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Being Fit with Footsteps and Cybersafe

Written by Joya & Damon
Photography by Mia, Soliyana & Mutiara

Getting funky at Footsteps
Let's all do the zombie!
On Fridays the Grade 3/4s have been doing Footsteps and have been enjoying dancing. The Grade 3/4s can dance by themselves or with a partner. The types of dancing we can do are hip hop, jazz and others. 

We think it is really good that we do dancing every year. It is like having a sport lesson but by dancing. It is a great way to start the year doing Footsteps. It is really cool and we get different teachers every year which is good. So Footsteps has been really exciting and fun.

Learning about cybersafety
Well, we finally we got our Skooville accounts!  Skooville is a program 
that teaches us how to be safe online. Here we can play games, write a diary and make an avatar. In one of the games you have to get all of the stars that teach you about being cybersafe.

Exploring Scooville
We learnt never to click on spams or scams. Spam is when something will flash up on your screen and it might say you just won 1,000,000 dollars. Scams are when people lie about who they are and they are really trying to get your information from your computer. So we have learnt how to be cybersafe.


  1. Valeria Grade 319 March 2014 at 01:41

    Skooville is great! It teaches you, me and everyone how to be cyber safe and keep out of online bullying. Remember, never share your personal information online or accept to meet strangers personally.

  2. Yes that is true Valeria Skooville is a great website

  3. Skoville is a great website that helps you being cyber safety online. Also footstep is also fun you can learn new dances and movements in footsteps.

  4. Faiza and Friends27 March 2014 at 22:36

    Great job Joya and Damon. I like your photography Soliyana, Mutiara and Mia juct Fantastic!
